Useful information about our stay in a HK quarantine center
This document tries to fit FAQ for inmates of Penny Bay and LYM. A lot of information has been shared across whatsapp, however linear conversation tools aren’t always the right place to search for historical help, and we all keep repeating ourselves over and over.
Your official note must say the period of time you are supposed to be on quarantine
A good example to demmand the document:
“We are being unlawfuly detained in the camp for several days already. We haven’t seen our quarantine orders yet. Send us orders or we are walking away.”
when i told the on site doctor i needed an ambulance immediately due to emergency, I waited for an hour and no ambulance arrived. I called 999 and it reached the camp gate in about 10mins.. and probably another 10mins for paperwork to bring us to the hospital.
Channels we are using to comunicate to each other